Sound I’d systemwide + UAD Apollo Twin x

I’ve been a user of reference 4 for a year or 2 and have recently upgraded to Sound ID reference, I always preferred using systemwide correction as opposes to the plugin correction for various reasons.. saving daw resources, consistent sound profile to get used to etc. one feature I always felt like systemwide missed is when I use it as my DAW’s output, I can no longer use my apollos inputs to record vocals inside my DAW. My request is if you can allow a sort of passthrough of the inputs of your interface/device to be recognized as Sound ID inputs for recording! Thanks :)

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Hi Danton, thanks for reaching out! 

It appears you have made this post in our SoundID mobile app community section. I'd like to invite you to create posts regarding SoundID Reference in its dedicated community section here. This will help other users see discussion about the specific product in one place as well :)  

Regarding the issue you have mentioned, it seems like you may have set SoundID Reference as the input in your DAW as well. SoundID Reference should only be set as the output in your DAW. Let me know if you check this out and if an issue still persists! 

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